M35 vs. M42 Tool Steel: Which One is Right for You?

Should you choose between M35 and M42 tool steel for your applications? This would entirely depend on factors like your project’s requirements and the specifics of the project. However, to stay more confident about making the right decision, you will have to understand how both these options differ from each other.  Here are the major takeaways.


Durability and Hardness


With its higher cobalt content (about 8%), M42 tool steel offers greater hardness and durability than M35 (which contains about 5% cobalt). As a result, M42 is more helpful for drilling jobs, especially through tough materials like cast iron, stainless steel, titanium, and the like.


Resistance to Heat


M42 tool steel offers a relatively high melting point (which is about 2853°F). It also offers better resistance to heat than that of M35 steel. This makes the melting point of  M42 tool steel ( which is about 2853°F) higher, and it has improved heat resistance, enjoying an edge over M35 tool steel. Therefore, M42 can be suitable for machining applications and high-speed drilling where thermal stress could play a crucial role.


Versatility and Cost


For those seeking a cost-effective and adaptable tool steel, M35 is a compelling choice, offering a lower price point than M42 while still delivering impressive versatility in drilling applications, including softer materials like aluminum and wood.


The Best Applications


Both the M35 and M42 tools are suitable for various critical and demanding applications. However, more specifically, M35 tool steel is more fitting for:


  • General purpose and every day drilling jobs.
  • Drilling softer materials, including wood, aluminum, and other similar materials.
  • Manufacturing moulds, tools, and similar equipment.
  • Applications involving Low-to-medium speed machining.


On the other hand, M42 Tool Steel is more suitable for:


  • Drilling through tough and hard and materials, including cast iron, stainless steel, titanium, among others.
  • Applications involving high-speed machining applications.
  • Defence and aerospace industries that undergo critical applications.
  • Various industrial applications need to be applied to very high temperatures.


Which one should you go for?


Reputed high speed steel suppliers like TJKSSL offer a concise guide to make you better decisions while choosing.


You can choose M35 for when you are looking for:


  • General purpose drilling.
  • Versatile usage, particularly the ones that involve softer materials.
  • Projects that need to be made within a tight budget.


Again, M42 tool steel can be a better choice for applications that need:


  • Dealing with hard and hard materials, such as titanium, stainless steel, and cast iron.
  • Applications that involve the use of high temperatures.
  • Critical applications for core industries like medicine, aerospace, and the like.


You can also consider the following aspects:


  • Think of the toughness of the material. When your production involves dealing with tough and hard materials, then M42 could be a better choice.
  • When drilling speed is important, or if your project requires high-speed machining, then M42 could be a better option.
  • When budget is a problem, then M35 could be a superior choice.
  • If your project requires a multipurpose tool steel for various applications, then M35 can be the best alternative.


The final word

In the end, the best choice between M35 and M42 tool steel would depend on your precise priorities and needs and. If you are not too convinced about the best choice to go for, then make sure to take suggestions from your local manufacturers and suppliers.